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Haunted MRT stations in Singapore👻

No matter how high your “SOL” is, you would have taken the Mrt at least once if you’re a Singapore resident. 

In fact, commuting by Mrt (or should I say, squeezing into the Mrt) is part of many Singapore resident’s daily life.

But how many knew about the creepy events that have taken place in the various Mrt stations? 🤡

Or are you one of the witnesses?

Toa Payoh Mrt Station


Have you ever come across a pale woman staring at your train compartment soullessly? 

The Merlion Post is lucky to not have experienced it, but apparently, there’s a netizen who has. 

According to the netizen, she noticed that a pale,middle-aged woman was staring into her train compartment at Toa Payoh MRT station. However, the woman did not get onto the train. All she did was staring into the train compartment.

You might think that it’s no big deal, but here’s the creepy part. 

The netizen saw the woman again when the train arrived at the next stop, Bishan. The woman was still doing the same thing, staring into the train compartment from the platform. 

Think about it. The woman did not get onto the same train as her, so how did she manage to get to Bishan MRT station at the same time or even before the netizen did?

Bishan Mrt Station


Built over former cemeteries, many paranormal events were said to take place at Bishan Mrt station. 

Many claimed that they have witnessed headless figures or heard footsteps coming from the top of Mrt. 

Maintenance staff have also claimed that they witness coffin bearers going through mrt tunnels connecting Bishan and Novena. 


Novena Mrt Station


Just like Bishan Mrt Station, Novena Mrt Station was also built over a former cemetery. 

Similarly,  numerous paranormal sightings were reported at the station, and maintenance staff witnessed coffin bearers too. 

Tampines Mrt station


This Mrt station was built over a former cemetery, too. 

From the previous stories, you should have known that it’s not shocking for paranormal events to occur at Mrt stations built over former cemeteries. 

It has been said that many came across the ghost of a man who commited suicide by jumping off the platform in the past. 

All stories are taken from the internet, but do comment down below to share with us if you have similar experiences! 

Thank you for staying with me until the end, give our article a like and share it with your family and friends! ❤️

Written by xiannie

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